San Francisco Door & Lock – Locksmith Near Me

Millbrea CA Fast Mobile Locksmith

Millbrea CA
Fast Mobile Locksmith

24/7 Local Locksmith Near Millbrea California

24/7 Local Locksmith
Near Millbrea California

Automotive, Commercial, Residential

Call us if you need one of the services here:
Lock Replacement, Car lockout, Door Lock Rekey, Residential Locksmith, House Door Unlock, Car Key Replacement, Locksmith Near Me, Car Locksmith, Lock Change service, 24 Hour Locksmith…

Dispatch Address: Broadway, Millbrae, CA 94030

Call us 24/7: (510) 956-7519

For more information or to schedule a locksmith service, call us now

Customer's Review

Marie B.
House Lockout

This morning I've locked myself out of my apartment and had a bad feeling that I would be waiting outside for hours but Mickie responded quickly and was at my door within 20 minutes. No hidden fees and a straight forward price he managed to open the door without any damage! Thank you Mickie.

Danielle R.
Car Lockout

It was Incredible to work Mickie he’s a wonderful person and locksmith technician, he came very fast to open the car for me when I locked the key inside after grocery shopping in the middle of the parking lot, I’m so happy with the work hand fair price call only San Francisco Door & Lock.