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Common Locks Problems

Locks are everywhere in our daily lives but we usually don’t think much about them until they stop working and while we all know how to use a lock it’s a different situation when there is a problem and we can’t fix it than it becomes really frustrating and stressful.

Let’s talk about some common lock issues and the best ways to fix them:

Key Stuck or Broken Inside the Lock

This often happens when a key is old or used with excessive force so if a key gets stuck gently wiggling and pulling it might free it. 

If a key breaks inside the lock there are special tools like key extractors or even tweezers can be used to remove the broken piece, also lubricating the lock before attempting removal can sometimes help.

Lock Jamming

Dust and rust can gather inside a lock causing it to jam and in order to avoid it regular cleaning and lubrication is needed so if your lock is already jammed applying a lubricant like WD40 might loosen it but if the jamming is more severe a locksmith might need to disassemble the lock for cleaning or replacement.

Misaligned Door Latch

This can happen when the latch bolt is not properly aligned with the strike plate on the door frame, by adjusting the strike plate and tightening the hinges you can easily solve this issue but in more severe cases the latch and the strike plate may need to be replaced by a professional locksmith.

Damaged Locks

Over time locks can become less effective also damage from break in attempt or an accident can also affect the lock functionality and replacing the entire lock will be necessary.

Frozen Locks

In freezing temperatures the internal mechanism of a lock can freeze which make it hard to insert the key or to turn it. Heating the key with a lighter and then gently inserting it into the lock can sometimes melt the ice also commercial deicing products can be used if are handy.

Electronic Lock Problems

Electronic locks can fail because of a dead batteries, wiring issues or software problems. Replacing the batteries and resetting the lock can often fix these issues but if not consulting a professional locksmith may be the right solution.

For any lock issue if the problem persists or if you’re unsure about how to fix it hiring a professional locksmith is always a safe and effective approach.

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